Services and products > Aircraft construction: Services

The work of strength specialists is extremely important at all stages of aircraft design, production and operation and is aimed at ensuring the strength and reliability of structures.
The company's engineers perform:
analysis of the static strength of the airframe structure under the influence of calculated loads that are at least 1.5 times higher than the maximum possible operational values;
analysis of fatigue strength under conditions of multiple repetition of loads, which makes it possible to determine the number of take-off-flight-landing cycles of the aircraft before the initiation of a crack and, if necessary, recommend changes in the design to ensure a given resource;
analysis of damage and fatigue strength — to ensure the necessary operational durability of the structure.

Structural strength analysis
Analysis of output loads.
Static calculations.
Providing recommendations for structural design.
Creation of finite element models.
Calculation of the detailed strength of aircraft structural elements, including composite materials.
Fatiguing calculations.
Calculations for survivability.
Preparation of strength tests.
Design of samples for static tests of airframe structural elements and development of test programs.
Design of samples for resource tests of airframe design elements and development of test programs.
Weight optimization of the structure at all stages of design, as well as after conducting static, resource and flight tests.
Certification calculations.
Strength analysis at the request of aircraft operators.
Design of structural elements
Aircraft frame:
engine pylons.
Aircraft systems:
aircraft control,
air conditioning,
automatic pressure regulation,
drainage and inflation of fuel tanks.
heat and sound insulation elements,
facing panels,
luggage racks,
partitions and dividers between cabins,
installation of all interior elements of the salon, including equipment and systems of service areas, kitchen and toilet modules.
Technological support of production
Development of technological processes of manufacturing and assembly of assemblies and units.
Development of technological processes of the final assembly of the aircraft, support of assembly works at the customer's enterprises.
Tool and tool design.
Optimization of technological processes.
Preparation of operational documentation
Manuals for technical operation (AMM).
FIM Guidelines.
Airframe Repair Manual (SRM).
Manuals for technical operation of component products (CMM).